Marketing is about ideas, however an idea must be developed, targeted and tied to a goal. If you have an idea that involves web, broadcast or film Twin Goat Media can help you see it come to life.
• Storyboarding
• Moveable Illustrations
• Script writing
• Pitches
Already have your script, storyboard and location? Let’s get to work! Twin Goat Media will provide you with a director, film/video crew and visual effects supervisor. This process will give you all the elements you’ll need to move your project into development.
This is where the magic happens. You have your storyboard, script, video, and graphics – now it needs be put together. Twin Goat Media brings the technical expertise you need to create your final product.
Not sure what you need? Concept, Design, Production and Post-Production often go into our mega mix. These projects start with a goal but no ideas. Twin Goat Media can take your project from an outline to a fully produced campaign.